Welcome to TASIA, the Togolese Association in Arizona


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Mission Statement

The purpose of the Association is to unite Togolese and friends of Togo in Tucson to foster a spirit of community services, as well as provide charitable, educational, cultural, health, and social activities to the members of the association.


The objectives of this Association shall be:

  1. To unite Togolese and well-wishers living in the Tucson and to discuss important issues in Togo and the Togolese community.

  2. To preserve and restore Togolese culture, and to impact the younger generation of Togolese about the importance, the pride, and the sense of belonging to the rich cultural heritage of Togo.

  3. To provide community support in education, health, and other assistance for those in need, whenever it is possible.

  4. TASIA can establish relationships with other associations.

  5. TASIA is a nonprofit organization.


  1. Membership shall be opened to all Togolese living in Tucson.

  2. Membership shall also be open to any person who is linked to Togo either through marriage or friendship .

  3. When a friend of Togo wishes to become a member of the Association, he/she must be sponsored by a Togolese member and must apply to the board of the Association for its approval.

  4. The board shall review the application and conduct an interview with the applicant along with his/her sponsor before approval.

  5. Any candidate becomes an active member when he/she has registered with the Association's Executive Board and pays the registration fee.

  6. The Association reserves the right to refuse to grant membership to any person whose presence is determined to be disruptive and could create an obstacle to the mission and/or objectives of the Association.

  7. The association reserves the right to terminate membership of non-conforming members by a vote of at least 2/3 of a quorum

The Executive Board

The Executive shall endeavor to further the mission as herein provided and to secure and maintain an efficient organization of the association. The Association shall be presided by an Executive Board of seven (8) officers who, as of September 1, 2023, are:

  1. President: Sam D'Almeida

  2. Vice-President: Marie Andriooulos

  3. Secretary: Toni Abalo

  4. Vice-Secretary: Mireille Messan

  5. Treasurer: Papavi Kougbani

  6. Vice-Treasurer: Tina Messan

  7. Organizer: Mathias Class

  8. Vice Organizer: Emmanuel Alley

The Auditors

Two auditors shall be elected by the General Assembly. The auditors shall not be members of the Executive Board. The auditors shall have control over the financial management of the Association and report to the General Assembly.As of September 1, 2023 the auditors are:

  1. Thimoty Doe

  2. Anani Sedo

Our Constitution

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Amendments to the Constitution

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Cultural Activities


Tasia Social Medias

Together we are stronger